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MENTAL GROWTH - DIY in Quarantine

I don’t know how many articles, books or researches will be enough but I, and the world, are stunned how this epidemic has turned us into our houses and made us live in a way we could
never imagine. But amidst this outbreak, people are far more suffering than actually they are. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions.

How you respond to the outbreak depends on your upbringing, background and the community
you live in. Older people, young children and teenagers are prone to deep mental stress. The
ones living away may feel alone and loneliness may gnaw them from inner core of their souls.
Those who are stuck and have no source of contact may die of mental sickness rather than
COVID-19. I am awestruck at how this wide-spread has given rise to several other problems.
school closures and alarming headlines are making you feel anxious, you are not the only one.
In fact, that’s how you’re supposed to feel.

Staying at home will be a different experience for all of us as all our social activities will be
dispensed. It will mean a different rhythm of life and a chance to be socially active through
various electronic resources available. It will be "the family time", but consider to console
grandparents and older people. They will overthink about them.being alone as they are to getting affected by this disease. Make sure you support them. To keep your
mental sanity consistent you can take steps:

1. Restrict your exposure to media coverage as it can make you sick. More the exposure,
more sickness, you will feel.

2. Follow "calm and cautious approach" by not panicking about the pandemic. Try to follow
instructions without panic.

3. Cut down your discussion about this epidemic, be it with family, children, neighbors or

4. In these times of isolation and fear, both physical and social, try to strengthen your
community by showing compassion and love to each other.

5. Try to call.people and talk about different things.

6. Console people.who you think might feel.socially isolated and aloof.

7. Make sure you binge watch and binge read and play cards and board games as much
as you can.

8. Try to indulge yourself in cooking, writing, playing badminton, walking, exercise, or
anything you love to do.

9. Do not stop learning. Go and surf for online courses and indulge in learning new things
to make the most of this period.

10. Start your digitally growing.

11. Also, complete your assignments and keep yourself busy.

12. Acknowledge your own feelings about the situation and let children know it’s okay to
share their own feelings.

13. Recognize that anxiety is casual and you're mentally fine. This will help you grow your
mental immunity which will enhance your physical immunity.

14. Eat well and stay hydrated.

The social immunity we are getting is through lock down. And this social immunity is the only
way to cope up with the situation. Mentally sick people will be more prone to this disease.

Don't feel alone even if you're stuck somewhere. The whole country is together and
togetherness we lit the lamps of hope and light as asked by our Prime Minister.
We are one nation, united not divided, and together we will stand to gain victory in this war.


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