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Domestic Violence

Imagine living in fear of the person who shares your home. Imagine that every day is a nightmare of criticism, name-calling, control of what you eat and wear, and physical violence. Now imagine that you’re trapped inside with that person while the world is grappling with an ongoing health crisis. Around the world, many cities have gone into lock-down due to the wide-spread epidemic disease and have to isolate to halt the spread of this disease. And we have been listening to all the news about the death rate around the globe. But the undisclosed aspect stands the domestic violence and marital rapes.

The people - women, men, children- who are already under the shadow of domestic violence and women or men who are victims of marital rapes can face grave situations and problems. Domestic violence affects people of all ages, genders, sexuality, cultures, and levels of income. It’s not a problem directed solely at women, although they are statistically more likely to experience domestic violence than men. This pattern mostly affects households which are existent in small areas or are economically and mentally backward.

In a DNA by Mr. Sudhir Chaudhry for Zee News, a data by National Commission for Women was presented which showed the report of almost 13% increase in cases of domestic violence which are actually reported. With the suffering victims, there is indirect mental suffering of children who witness the abuse.

Can you feel what the situation might be? Can they be isolated in such conditions? There might be many reports of abuse globally. Can there be a helpline? Through various articles, I have gathered information about a code-word system in Paris. People who are locked in with abusers and are constantly being tortured can run to pharmacies and use the word “mask 19” to seek help. There is more risk at home than outside. There may be abusers willing to throw out victims, leaving them to die by COVID-19, and such cases may not be looked upon due to increased need of security for implementing and maintaining curfews and lock downs.

We have to remember about the grave undiscovered side by the corona virus and think upon varied possible solutions. “Bahar Corona, andar Darr.” Global increase in violent cases might deteriorate mental health and mental stability of a huge population and that is a threat to the world.


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