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Gender and Sexuality - Social Roles Swapped

I, personally have read the post-colonial novel by Amitav Ghosh THE SHADOW LINES and a related critical essay by Rajeswari Sunder Rajan, which inspire me to write this article. Generally, gendering of active and passive equation presents male as an active gender and female as a passive gender in terms of practicality, nationalism and any such concept. The stereotype notions of gendering can be turned and twisted into the trendist modern masculinity concept by transforming males into passive gender. The males can visually imagine with precision and use their memory to estimate the experiences of other people. They are more practical than women, and can take up the personal narratives of the individuals and form national narratives. 

Men can not always be the active one. It can be possibly true about them being indirect and passively active as we oxymoron it. When I dig into the aspects of relationship and love, men are often the romantic lovers, presenting the strength of friendship and relationship. Not always men can be blamed about digging into the physical aspect of love or being pervert. Passion, intimacy and commitment- the three aspects of love are fulfilled by male gender. 

Men and nationalism i.e Masculinity can be linked to the concept of nationalism. Men are the active nation-builders, the economy growers, and the indirect participants in progeny. Women can fulfill social responsibilities to build the nation, they have reproductive value and produce the new population of the country. 

Coming to the opposite side, Female gender or Women can be active genders. They, contrary to the behavior and intelligence of male gender, are sometimes lacking of the deduction power and supersede their emotional aspect. Going critically deep into the norms of feminism, we find that feminist researches support visionary and imaginative personality but what I have personally observed is the minor presence of intelligent imagination in women. They make travelling as the presence of women restrooms and lounges. 

Searching the love aspect, many women are emotionally attached with their male counterparts but many women indulge in brief liaison and present negative side of love. They make the men believe in,  as we call it, the 'throw and use' aspect of relationships, making them wrong in the relationship. Women can very significantly indulge in physical aspects and make excessive use of femininity to prove men wrong and bulge out as the "Sati- Savitri" personality. This proves how women actively do self- covering of their true faces.

Possibly, there are more aspects to the equations and oppositions of this active:passive notion. Still, I will have to research more and take it beyond the concepts of gender and sexuality. 

An open letter to the world:

Dear World,

I am a woman. Sick of hearing the passive comments about my indirect contributions. I can be an active participant in every single responsibility and can not always be right. I can be wrong a certain time and I will have to say sorry. If I am given feminism to define my identity, I will not overuse it and present my true face to the world.

Dear World, 

 I  am a man- the same man whose gender also has restrictions- doesn’t matter where. I am forced to learn how to wear a mask, and conceal my true identity, suppress it and never show it to the public. I adhere to masculinity norms and it is not my personal choice, it is imposed on me by these people living in the world from the very beginning of this universe. Please remember that not only SHE but I am also affected by the patriarchy norms of the society. They gnaw my every nerve and present myself as the new being leaving behind my true identities.

Dear World,

I am a human being- not separated by gender, not separated by sexuality,  not separated by caste, not separated by religion, not separated by active and passive- just a normal human being, let me live my life own way and stop judging my personality.


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